Friday, 20 May 2011

10 Under the Ben - Registration

Just got back from the Nevis range where i registered for 10 Under the Ben.

The weather is shocking - High winds and driving rain.  The forecast is a bit better for tomorrow, but not alot :\

As usual, the pasta party was in the Snow Goose restaurant, at the top gondola station.  Unfortunately, visibility was poor so there were no great views this year.

There's still a covering of snow on Aonach Mor, even in May.

At registration, I was given a copy of the No Fuss Year Book 2011,  (My picture appears on page 10) and my race number for tomorrow.

I'm now back in the caravan at the Glen Nevis Campsite, and going to have an early night - i'm not really looking forward to tomorrow with this weather, just glad i'm not in a tent.

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